Creative Dance Lesson Plan on Verbs/Adverbs
Grade: 2nd Length: 45 minutes Written by: Chelsea Alley
Student Learning Outcome: The students will demonstrate an understanding of the difference between adjectives and adverbs and how each one modifies the verb or noun it is paired with.
Equipment Needed: Hand Drum; CD player; CD with creative dance music; adverb/verb cards
Behavioral Expectations:
Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes
Move each part to warm-up, then do the whole sequence five times as fast as you can!
Move each part to warm-up, then do the whole sequence five times as fast as you can!
Head: Think
Shoulders: Don’t bump other people
Knees: Have fun!
Toes: Foot away from the objects/walls, good shoes or barefoot
Eyes: Watch
Ears: Listen
Mouth: No Talking
Nose: Take a deep breath . . . Here we go!
Anne Green Gilbert’s Brain Dance to Creative Dance music
Experience/Identify: (10 minutes)
“What is an adverb? An adverb is a word that modifies or describes an action word. What does that mean? Adverbs tell us how something is done, in what way it is done, when it is done, where it is done, and how much it is done. So adverbs answer questions like What? When? Where? and How? Let’s try a few examples. If I tell you that, “I am going to Disneyland tomorrow,” what is the adverb? (Talk about when examples.) How about “My brother is playing upstairs?” Which word is the adverb (Where)? What if I say, “That boy always runs.” This one is trickier - which word is the adverb (How much, to what extent)? Let’s try a few in our bodies. Can you walk powerfully? Try sliding dreamily. How about running sharply?
Explore/Investigate: (15 minutes)
Experience/Identify: (10 minutes)
“What is an adverb? An adverb is a word that modifies or describes an action word. What does that mean? Adverbs tell us how something is done, in what way it is done, when it is done, where it is done, and how much it is done. So adverbs answer questions like What? When? Where? and How? Let’s try a few examples. If I tell you that, “I am going to Disneyland tomorrow,” what is the adverb? (Talk about when examples.) How about “My brother is playing upstairs?” Which word is the adverb (Where)? What if I say, “That boy always runs.” This one is trickier - which word is the adverb (How much, to what extent)? Let’s try a few in our bodies. Can you walk powerfully? Try sliding dreamily. How about running sharply?
Explore/Investigate: (15 minutes)
Allow two students at a time to draw a card, one for the adverb and one for the movement. Use crossovers in encouraging the dancers through creative problem solving. For example: Drawn cards are swiftly and skip: “Can you swiftly skip on a low level? Can you swiftly skip sideways?” Or, “Can you walk enormously in a zig-zag pathway? Can you drawl timidly in a curved pathway?” etc.
Create/Perform: (10 minutes)
Divide students into six groups. Have each group draw two adverb cards. Allow them time create a dance together. Use the dance sandwich (or ABA) as a format. It must begin and end with an interesting shape that links with someone else and have a middle that contains their two favorite verbs and the adverbs they drew. Have the groups perform for each other. Ask students watching to look for the adverbs shown.
Connect/Analyze: (5 minutes)
Connect/Analyze: (5 minutes)
What was your favorite verb? What was your favorite adverb? Why? What adverbs can you think of that we didn’t use today?